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Archive for 4/17/11 - 4/24/11

Tips on How to Play the Paintball Sport


Playing paintball is so much fun. The main goal of the game is to capture the opponent’s flag and make them surrender by aggressively attacking their defenses. What excites many people is the fast pace and action-packed scenery that a person will experience. 
Most paintball games are played in a place where players can move freely. Outdoor venues like fields or improvised camps provide complete facilities for everyone who wants to experience this sport. There are also indoor venues that are available during various seasons when people are unable to go outside because of the cold weather or rainy seasons.

A person is provided with a paintball gun that is primarily air pressured. The group is generally composed of ten or more persons divided into two teams. Each team must have an equal number of persons and they will battle like two opposing armed groups on a battlefield.

Each group will be provided colored armbands to mark each member so that their teammates are and opponents are not confused. The main goal is to reach the opponents’ flag and hit every opponent – when doing so - using their paintball guns. The team that captures the flag will bring it to their base to ensure they have won the game.

A person will know that he is eliminated when he is hit by the paintball. It is determined by the splat of a paintball that will break and mark the gear. A referee will determine if he may continue or to be eliminated from the game. The paintballs are about the size of marbles; but they are spherical in shape with hard shell layers that enables the paintball to go a long distance and speed up the launch when fired at the target.

Paintball guns appear similar to a real gun but it has a barrel container that stores and launch the paintball. It has a trigger that will activate the release and a reservoir that will store more paintballs. The propulsion is powered by pressurized gas.

The execution will depend on the style the player thinks will be effective for defense.

The thrill and excitement is what really makes people love this sport. Others consider it an activity that can be enjoyed with their friends and families. It will give a person a worthwhile experience with the adventure-like setting and the excitement of the game. 

Free Coin Collecting Software


Coin collecting is one hobby that has been going on for ages. Some of the most popular collectors in the world were Louis XIV and the Sun King. To keep track of the coins in the collection or to monitor the value of rare coins in the market, it pays to have coin collecting software.

There are many reasons why coins are collectible. Some are valued because of the artwork and others because of certain events in history such as the Great Depression or war .Whatever the reason, coin collecting software can update a person about these varieties before taking any action.

Some inventory programs contain a comprehensive database of more than 10,000 coins worldwide. The software allows the user to scan pictures in one’s collection and programmed in the database.

Others only have a database of every coin that the United States ever minted.  The program allows the user to select the coin and generate various reports about it.

Coin collecting software is there to help a person organize and catalog the coins in one’s possession. Some websites charge a fee to purchase the software but most can be downloaded for free from the internet. The program will work as long as the computer being used is compatible with the software.

There are more coin collectors that collect coins that are still in circulation than those who look only for the rare ones. The study of it is fascinating since a person can learn the history of a nation based on a few coins. Of course, this can only happen if a person has the time to do it.

Coin collecting software has given people an easier way to keep track of coins that they own. Instead of opening countless folders that have different coins in them, a person can just type a few words and the information can be seen on the monitor.  This makes it easier for the collector to show his collection a potential buyer in with the hope of exchanging it for another coin of equal or greater value.

The ideal coin collection software program should have good search capability, unlimited number of entries and other special features. By checking the various programs and trying some, the person will find the right one needed for the job. Before downloading it, the person should first have it scanned since software may contain a virus that could harm the computer.

Singkatan Yang aneh


semenjak kuliah banyak nih kosa kata yang baru. Khususnya singkatan singkatan  disini saya mau cerita sedikit yah mulai dari
1. Kupu - Kupu 
Kupu - kupu singkatannya kuliah pulang kuliah pulang. Mahasiswa seperti ini kadang jarang ada di kampus karena pikirannya hanya pulang pulang dan pulang.Mahasiswa kupu - kupu mungkin karena mereka tidak betah ataupun tidak nyaman dengan situasi kampus yang kurang mendukung. Setiap jam pelajaran habis pasti mahasiswa seperti ini selalu langsung pulang ke kos ataupun ke rumahnya masing masing. apakah anda seperti mahasiswa di atas ini??

2. KuRa - KuRa
saya selalu tertawa jika mengatakan Kura - kura. Kata temen saya kupu - kupu itu jalannya lebih cepet daripada kura  kura. umm bukan itu yang saya akan ceritakan . Nah Kura kura itu KULIAH RAPAT KULIAH RAPAT. bahkan mahasiswa seperti ini sangat sibuk(bukan saya tentunya. karena saya tidak suka akan rapat) sampai sampai mengorbankan kuliahnya demi RAPAT. Entah apa yang di pikiran orang seperti itu. Mungkin karena saya tidak menyukainya yah. Menurut saya Rapat itu bertele- tele dan sangat membuang waktu. MASIH BANYAK HAL YANG LEBIH BERMAFAAT DIBANDINGKAN RAPAT.hahaha :D

3. KuPes - KuPes
hahaha mungkin ini singkatan baru yang anda tahu kali yah. KuPes - Kupes singkatan dari Kuliah pes Kuliah pes./ mungkin anda belum tau pes itu apa. Pes itu adalah Pro evolution soccer. sama seperti halnya winning eleven ataupun fifa di ps(playstation). Pes ini grafiknya sudah lebih bagus dibandingkan winning eleven ataupun fifa. Mungkin itu yang menjadi alasan para mahasiswa terus KUPES KUPES.hahaha

4. KuDa - KuDa
Ini yang menurut saya paling kocak dari semua yang telah saya jelaskan . Kuda kuda ini kepanjangan dari KULIAH DAKWAH KULIAH DAKWAH. Mungkin menurut saya ini tidak terlalu masalah jika mahasiswa mahasiswa mempunyai banyak waktu lang untuk berdakawah. tapi ada kakak tingkat saya yang bilang kalo mau yang bener dakwah masuk aja IA*N. hahaha saya pun langsung ketawa ketika dia bilang seperti itu.apakah anda orang yg suka berdakwah???maka masuklah saja IA*N.hehehe :P

5. KuLab - KuLab
Yang satu ini Kuliah Lab kuliah lab. mungkin karena sedang mengerjakan TA ataupun sedang mengerjakan project project jadinya mahasiswa ini sering di sebut KuLab.

6. KuPer - KuPer
Kuper disini bukanya kurang pergaulan namun KULIAH PERPUS KULIAH PERPUS.hahaha mungkin akan kurang pergaulan juga nantinya apabila kita sehabis kuliah ke perpus.

Jadi maksud saya memaparkan macam macam mahasiswa yang ada di indonesi. Anda tergolong yang mana??jangan sampai anda masuk tergolong golongan yang salah.
Manfaatkan waktu yang ada untuk hal yang positif. Ingat waktu tidak dapat di ulang dan waktu akan terus berjalan seiring berubahnya umur kita!

Poll: In down economy, education key to youth jobs


Christopher Cadaret's been fixing TVs and stereos for fun since he was 10 years old and thinks he'd like to work in electronics or auto repair. But four months after he dropped out of high school, he can't find a job of any kind.
He's tried a local electronics company, the hardware store, the dollar store, the minimart. Nothing.
"I'm seeking work, anything that is put in front of me," said Cadaret, 18, who lives with his father in Burkesville, Ky., a small town amid the hills and farmland along the Tennessee border. He started looking for a job at 16. Without that first toehold on work, his dream of earning enough to save up for technical training seems far away.
The nation's economic upheaval has been especially hard on young people trying to start their working lives with a high school education or less. In a new Associated Press-Viacom survey, only about a third of the 18- to 24-year-olds who aren't in school said they have full-time jobs.
Less than a quarter of them work part-time, leaving 4 in 10 unemployed.
Young adults who skipped higher education are willing to work and have some experience; the vast majority have held a paying job at some point. About two-thirds have a high school diploma. But a majority — almost 6 in 10 — say the high school they attended did only a fair to poor job in helping them prepare for work.
About three-fourths worry at least a little about just having enough money to get by from week to week. Almost 4 in 10 still lean on their parents or relatives for financial support. And most feel that their family's financial situation has held them back, especially those whose families earn less than $50,000 per year, according to the survey conducted in partnership with Stanford University.
Three-fourths of those who bypassed college cite cost as a reason. More than half — 56 percent — say money was "very" or "extremely" important to their decision.
They still believe in the power of higher education. Nearly three-fourths say they aspire to return to the classroom someday, either for trade school or college.
"I just feel like I've got enough drive and I'm not going to quit," said high school senior Jonathan McDaniel, who's made plans to join the Navy when he graduates from high school in Pittsburg, Okla., this spring. "If you work hard enough, you will get where you want to be."
McDaniel, 18, is interested in pursuing a college degree and maybe a career as a police officer or airplane mechanic. He figures starting out serving on an aircraft carrier "will give me a solid foundation to build my life on."
Almost half say getting real-world experience before going through more school was a key factor in their decision not to start college. And almost as many said they were influenced by their ability to find a job right after high school.
"I kind of always knew college wasn't for me," said Ayla Godfrey, 19, of Charlotte, N.C. "I was ready to get out and work, and I really didn't want to go back to school anymore."
Godfrey said it took her months and more than 100 applications to find work in a clothing store after she graduated from high school in 2009. She later worked as a hostess at an assisted living facility but quit that job after becoming pregnant. Godfrey, who lives with her boyfriend's family and relies on his paycheck, says she feels confident she'll find job happiness after her baby is born.
"I have to make a life for my little baby girl and I'm willing to do whatever I have to do," she said.
Young people whose education stopped at high school don't report as much certainty about the future as those in college, but they're still strikingly optimistic — 8 in 10 are at least somewhat confident they'll find a career that will make them happy.
Most of those with jobs don't feel they've found their calling, however. Six in 10 say their job is just something to get them by, not a career or a stepping stone to one.
And the dismal job market leaves many feeling shut out. The Labor Department's overall unemployment rate for the youngest workers — 16- to 19-year-olds — is 24.5 percent, and that counts only those considered to be actively looking for jobs.
"It's going to take time for the economy to work itself back up for people to find jobs," said Cadaret, who keeps looking. Meanwhile, he said, "I'm worried about money all the time."
The AP-Viacom telephone survey of 1,104 adults ages 18-24 was conducted Feb. 18-March 6 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Stanford University's participation in this project was made possible by a grant from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Obama to supporters: I understand your frustration


Barack Obama SAN FRANCISCO – Easing into his 2012 campaign, President Barack Obama is telling his supporters he understands their frustration over the compromises he's made with Republicans, while preparing them for more to come.
It's a timely warning given the upcoming vote on raising the debt ceiling and the ongoing debate over long-term deficit reduction, both issues Obama says can only be solved if Republicans and Democrats work together. But further compromises could prove a tough pill to swallow for many of Obama's liberal backers, who have grown tired of watching the president cede ground to the GOP on spending cuts and tax breaks for the wealthy.
During a raucous fundraiser focused on young people in San Francisco Wednesday night, Obama said his supporters are not alone in their frustration.
"There are times when I've felt the same way you do. It's a big, complicated, messy democracy," he said. "We knew this wouldn't be easy."
Obama's three-day West Coast swing — his most extensive travel since announcing his re-election bid — offered a glimpse of how Obama will seek to reenergize the independents and first-time voters who carried him to victory in 2008. Obama's rallying cry is that more work needs to be done in order to make the vision of America he promised a reality, and he is the only one who can see those hopes through.
"It is going to take more than a couple of years," Obama said. "It's going to take us more than one term to finish everything that we need to do."
Obama senior adviser David Plouffe offered a more sobering political forecast to the hundreds of young supporters gathered for the nighttime rally.
"This is going to be a close campaign," Plouffe said. "The one thing we better assume is that it's going to be closer than the last one."
After a third fundraiser here Thursday morning, Obama was to make stops in Reno, Nev., and Los Angeles. The president was scheduled to return to Washington Friday afternoon.
Obama was coupling his fundraising efforts with a series of town hall meetings aimed at selling his plan for cutting deficit spending directly to a wary public.
"The deficit is real, our debt is real. We've got to do something about it. But how we do it is going to make a huge difference," Obama said during a smaller, high-dollar fundraiser Wednesday night.
The president and Republicans have both offered plans for bringing down the deficit, but vast differences exist over how to do so. The president is calling for $4 trillion in deficit reduction over 12 years, through a combination of spending cuts and tax hikes on the wealthy, while House Republicans have passed a plan that would reduce the deficit by nearly $6 trillion in a decade, in part by overhauling Medicare and Medicaid.
The president and Republicans have accused each other of pitching "radical" plans.
"I think it's fair to say that their vision is radical," Obama told a town hall gathering Wednesday at the headquarters of Facebook, the huge social network company.
Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, returned fire. "What's radical is piling up $9 trillion more in debt on the backs of our kids and grandkids," he said, echoing a GOP criticism that Obama's plan would accomplish too little.
Obama's mixing of politics and policy on this West Coast swing is a harbinger of things to come as he balances campaigning with the duties of the presidency.
White House aides insist the president is only involved in the reelection campaign from a distance at this point. But with fundraisers and campaign-style town hall meetings quickly becoming staples in his schedule, it's clear Obama is already in re-election mode.

Sebuah Pemikiran yang Terlalu....................


entahlah dengan judul saya di atas.saya juga tidak mengerti dan memahami dari judul saya itu.

oke saya mulai bercerita tentang kegalauan saya. entah atau bagaimana saat pertama kali saya masuk di bangku kuliah saya sepertinya tidak nyaman dengan hal ini. Mengapa?? umm mungkin ini tidak sesuai harapan saya atau mungkin dari dalam diri saya sendiri. Yang penting satu pemikiran saya, kuliah dimana saja sama saja tergantung dari dia, mereka ataupun kamu menyikapi hal tersebut.kenapa saya bisa bilang sama saja??umm coba saja pikirkan tentang pemikiran anda. Menurut saya sama halnya saja dengan kata kata yang sudah terkenal yaitu " jika kamu berteman dengan penjual minyak wangi maka anda akan kecipratan wangi dari penjual minyak wangi tersebut". Sudah saya bilang PEMIKIRAN anda yang harus berubah.toh tentu jika anda kuliah di universitas terbaik belum tentu anda yang terbaik namun jika anda kuliah di universotas belum terbaik belum tentu anda yang tidak terbaik. Maka mulai dari sekarang ubahlah PEMIKIRAN anda.

Ferrer advances in Barcelona with comfortable win


Fourth-seeded David Ferrer made quick work of Carlos Berlocq to win 6-2, 6-2 on Wednesday and advance to the third round of the Barcelona Open.
The two-time finalist saved two break points to hold his serve in the third game, while Berlocq struggled with his serve throughout the first set, committing four double faults.
In the second set, Ferrer also saved the only two break points he faced while breaking twice for an easy win on the outdoor clay court.
Also, Juan Carlos Ferrero downed lucky loser Mischa Zverev 6-4, 7-5 after the German replaced Andy Murray, who withdrew with an elbow injury.
Later, top-ranked Rafael Nadal opens his bid for a sixth Barcelona title by taking on fellow Spaniard Daniel Gimeno-Traver.

Indonesia far from achieving maternal mortality rate target


Indonesia’s target to reduce the maternal mortality rate by the end of 2015 will be hard to achieve unless primary units of maternal health services work harder, a doctor says.
Budi Iman Santoso, the head of the Obstetric and Gynecology Department at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSCM), said Wednesday that primary units consisting of midwifes, Community Health Centers and families should work better and faster, “Or we will fail to reach the MDG target on maternal mortality reduction.”
Last year’s maternal mortality rate was 228 deaths per 100,000 live births. The Indonesian government has set up the target of 102 deaths in 2015. “Currently, the national maternal mortality rate is still more than 200 deaths,” Budi said.
The most effective way to reduce the mortality rate, he said, was to improve health facilities in primary units.
“The government must improve the facilities in primary units first before improving the facilities in large hospitals,” he added.
Budi said the facilities in primary units were considered poor.
“The fact is, 80 percent of maternal mortality cases happen in primary services units, either in the Community Health Centers or midwife [clinics]. They have yet to provide the best services,” he said.(lfr)

Jonathan pledges 'new dawn' as world leaders applaud Nigeria election


Lagos, Nigeria (CNN) -- President Goodluck Jonathan pledged a "new dawn" for Nigeria, days after the electoral commission declared him the winner in a vote hailed as a significant improvement from past polls.
The last election four years ago was widely condemned for rampant vote rigging, violence, theft of ballot boxes and intimidation.
Though marred by violence, reports of underage voting and logistical problems, observers considered the latest election an improvement.
"This time around, one of the differences is that both local and international observers said, 'Yes, there is significant departure from the past, '" Jonathan told CNN.
World leaders declared the vote a success, but urged election officials to probe allegations including ballot stuffing and unusually high turnout in some areas.
"This historic event marks a dramatic shift from decades of failed elections and a substantial improvement over the 2007 presidential election," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague described the vote as a "significant step forward" for the nation.
Violence and chaos in Nigeria
Nigeria election decided amid riots
Nigeria enjoys peaceful election
Jonathan said the vote ushers a new era for Africa's most populous nation and its biggest oil producer.
"That should tell you that what we are saying, we are going to do it and this is a new dawn," the president said. "We are going to work with all Nigerians to make sure that changes are made."
Jonathan hails from the oil-rich southern part of Nigeria, an area that is majority Christian.
Parts of the mostly Muslim north plunged into chaos after it became apparent that Jonathan had won, charging that the elections were rigged.
Rioters prowled the streets in the north, shouting the name of Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, a former military ruler and the main opposition candidate.
About 17,000 people fled their homes in the region as violence flared, the Nigerian Red Cross said.
Jonathan appealed for unity as the unrest sounded alarms for the government, prompting it to deploy the military and enforce curfews to maintain calm.
"My brothers and sisters, we are all winners," Jonathan said earlier in the week. "In this context there is no victor and no vanquished. We have demonstrated, even in our diversity, the progress of Nigeria remains paramount for all."
An investigation is under way to determine the perpetrators of the violence, which the president attributed to jobless youth.
"We've been having a crisis in the north, we've been having a crisis in the south, all the symptoms are the same,"he told CNN. "We have a number of young people that have no source of income that we must provide."
If the government does not help provide a source of income, he said, the youth are at risk of being paid to spark violence.
He declined to get into specifics on the perpetrators of the violence.
"The government will find out formally," he said. "If I make some statements, I will be biased in the minds of people and I don't want to accuse anybody."
Nigeria's elections, staggered over three weeks, conclude with the vote for governors April 26.

Texas burning 'from border to border'


Dallas (CNN) -- Texas firefighters Wednesday battled blazes that have scorched over one million acres and have been burning for more than a week, according to the Texas Forest Service.
"We're actually seeing Texas burn from border to border. We've got it in west Texas, in east Texas, in north Texas, in south Texas -- it's all over the state," Forest Service spokeswoman April Saginor told CNN Radio. "We've got one in the Dallas area that's four fires that have actually merged together."
Saginor said firefighters from 34 states are now in Texas battling blazes that, over the past two weeks, have destroyed more than 170 homes.
"Some (fires) are over 100,000 acres and they've been burning for over a week, so that's our priority right now," Saginor said, "to put out the big ones."
Firefighter Greg Simmons died Friday trying to extinguish the East Sidwynicks fire in Eastland County. His funeral was scheduled for 1 p.m. Wednesday at Cowboy Church in Olden.
Five other volunteer firefighters have been injured by the East Sidwynicks fire, which has burned 3,000 acres.
Western wildfires eat up Texas
Wildfires continue to race across Texas
Fires races across Texas
Fighting wildfires in Texas
Another firefighter was treated and released from a hospital in Graham after his bulldozer clipped a gas line and caused an explosion.
"The state of Texas is under siege," Saginor said. "Wildfire is dangerous and it's threatening homes, lives and property on a daily basis. We caution residents to take this threat seriously and heed the call of their local authorities when told to evacuate."
On Tuesday, emergency personnel responded to 10 new fires across more than 2,000 acres, according to the Texas Forest Service.
There was a chance for a brief break Wednesday from the dry weather and high winds blamed for the spreading wildfires, according to the National Weather Service. But more fires emerged early in the day in Stephens and Garza counties in northern Texas, where officials are trying to contain blazes that have burned nearly 3,000 acres.
Since January 1, the Texas Forest Service said, it has responded to more than 800 fires that have damaged some 5,000 structures across 1.4 million acres.
Fire-friendly conditions are expected to return Thursday in various parts of the state, the National Weather Service said.
"Even if we get two inches of rain the ground's going to eat it up," said David Hennig, a Weather Service meteorologist in Midland, Texas. "We need a pattern shift."
West Texas averages nearly 15 inches of rain a year, according to Hennig. In the past six months, only 13-hundredths of an inch of rain has been recorded in that part of the state. While October through March is typically the dry season, that amount of rainfall is far below what it should be, Hennig said.
He said weather models show the possibility of more storms this weekend and perhaps next week. While the rain is needed, storms accompanied by lightning pose a fire risk, he said.
Not all of Texas will get a reprieve from the tinderbox weather Wednesday. The Guadalupe Mountains face an extreme risk of fire through Thursday, according to the National Weather Service.
Van Horn, Texas, which is 165 miles west of Odessa, is expected to face a critical fire threat on Thursday, as well as the nearby state Highway 54 corridor and the southeast New Mexico plains.
Firefighters in Texas had to contend with 11 new fires Tuesday in addition to carryover blazes.
Massive flames forced the evacuation of at least three towns and brought widespread damage to several parched counties west of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area Tuesday, authorities said. Helicopters and other aircraft aided the firefighting.
One of the largest fires plaguing Texas rampaged between the towns of Graham and Graford.
That fire, less than 70 miles west of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, burned into residential areas surrounding Possum Kingdom Lake Monday night, destroying and damaging homes in four or five neighborhoods, according to Marq Webb, a spokesman with the Texas Forest Service.
Aerial images shot Tuesday by CNN affiliate WFAA showed some homes on the edge of Possum Kingdom Lake burned down to the foundations, swaths of charred vegetation and heavy smoke hanging over parts of the area. Still, numerous homes appeared to have escaped the flames, some of them next to houses that had been destroyed.
Possum Kingdom resident Jackie Fewell set up an Internet blog to provide updates on the crisis since fire warnings first were extended to the 3,000-home lake community.
"I was frustrated by a lot of misinformation that was being passed around by a lot of well-intentioned people through Facebook and text-messaging," she said.
Fewell set up the blog Saturday as a part of the website for Pondera properties, the lake's managing real-estate company, where she works.
"We have been able to generate this incredible response," Fewell said, noting the site has served as a bridge between residents in need of help and those able to provide it.
"We get remarks from people all over needing help," she said. "If we put out a query to get 200 leather gloves to the area, we'll have those gloves within a few days."
Fewell said uses for the site have ranged from saving abandoned pets to providing real-time updates on properties threatened by the blaze.
Aerial video shot near the community Tuesday by CNN affiliate KTVT showed massive flames and smoke still in the area. Helicopters and Air National Guard C-130 aircraft outfitted with specialized firefighting equipment roared overhead, dumping water and fire retardant on the flames.
More than 600 homes were threatened by the Possum Kingdom Complex fire, which involved more than 147,065 acres in Stephens, Palo Pinto and Young counties on Tuesday, the Forest Service said earlier.
Young County Sheriff Bryan Walls estimated the fire covered 200,000 acres in the three counties.
The Palo Pinto County Sheriff's office said it evacuated 200 residents from the town of Palo Pinto and moved them to shelters. Two buses were sent to evacuate jail inmates, said Deputy Randy Hunter.
In an interview with CNN affiliate KDAF, Palo Pinto resident Joe Lee said he and his wife hadn't decided where they would go before they evacuated, so they parked their trailer on the shoulder of Highway 180 and watched a cloud of smoke coming toward them.
"If they don't let us back in, there are several trailer parks in Mineral Wells," Lee said. "But if they do, we'll go back."
The communities of Graford and Strawn were also evacuated, the Forest Service said.
Graham resident Bailey Barnett had already had to flee after ash as thick as snow began falling around her home.
The area remained under threat, but Barnett, who is pregnant with her first child, had another reason to worry: Her husband, she said, is a volunteer working on the fires with the Graham Fire Department.
"It's been really, really, stressful," Barnett said Tuesday. "I don't think a lot of people realize how bad it is."
Dianne Simpson told CNN affiliate KSAN that she and her husband watched nervously as a wildfire approached their house near the Tom Green County-Coke County line, where residents had evacuated.
"We just sat out here on the deck and watched it burn, and it was just pretty devastating," Simpson said. "You're just sitting here going 'there's nothing I can do.'"
According to KSAN, the blaze stopped just 330 yards from the Simpsons' house.
By Wednesday, the evacuation order for Coke County had been lifted, according to Texas Forest Service spokeswoman Saginor.
Fires have burned in 252 of the state's 254 counties since December 21.

Bombs posted to Celtic soccer boss


Celtic manager Neil Lennon, a Catholic, has received sectarian threats and abuse for several years.
Celtic manager Neil Lennon, a Catholic, has received sectarian threats and abuse for several years.
           (CNN) -- Scottish police are investigating after parcel bombs were posted to the manager of one of the country's leading football clubs and two other high-profile figures.
Postal staff intercepted two suspicious packages addressed to Celtic's Northern Irish coach Neil Lennon last month.
Another was posted to the constituency office of politician Trish Godman, and then last Friday one was mailed to Paul McBride, Lennon's lawyer in a recent Scottish Football Association disciplinary case.
Both Godman and McBride are well-known supporters of the Glasgow-based club, the UK Press Association reported on Wednesday.
It is an intolerable state of affairs which must end ... it deserves condemnation from all right-minded people
--Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell
"They were definitely capable of causing significant harm and injury to individuals if they had opened them," Detective Superintendent John Mitchell said of the bombs.
"It is important to say that there is no doubt that there is someone out there with information that can assist us and take this inquiry forward, and the quicker the better."
The 39-year-old Lennon was posted bullets in January, along with two other Celtic players, but they were intercepted in his native country before getting to Scotland.
He cut short his international career in 2002 after receiving a death threat from a protestant paramilitary group, having suggested he would like to play for an all-Ireland football team.
In 2008, Lennon was treated in hospital after being assaulted in Glasgow, with the incident again linked to sectarian rivalry.
He had needed the services of McBride after being charged with misconduct following a clash with the assistant manager of Celtic's arch-rivals Rangers last month.
McBride publicly accused the SFA of bias after Lennon was unable to overturn his suspension, while Ally McCoist successfully appealed against his ban and his Rangers players Madjid Bougherra and El-Hadji Diouf escaped punishment over other incidents.
The two teams -- Celtic's support is predominantly Catholic and Rangers' is Protestant -- will meet again on Sunday.
Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell condemned the attempted bomb attacks.
"Neil Lennon is a football manager who simply wants to carry out this role to the best of his professional ability. However, in this horrific ongoing campaign, he and other Celtic personnel continue to be the subject of repeated threats and intimidation," he told the club's website.
"It is an intolerable state of affairs which must end. Celtic, from our inception, has been a club open to all. We enjoy friendship and respect throughout the world yet, here in Scotland, we are caught up in these vile events.
"The most recent targeting of Neil Lennon, Paul McBride and Trish Godman -- three people who are linked only by an affinity with Celtic -- deserves condemnation from all right-minded people."

Branson: Deep-sea adventure will reveal 'extraordinary creatures'


Richard Branson is planning a record-breaking voyage to the bottom of the seabed in the coming year.(CNN) -- Adventure-loving billionaire Richard Branson is known for reaching for the stars, but now he's set his sights on a final frontier a little closer to home: the deepest parts of the ocean floor.
Branson announced his undersea exploration venture, Virgin Oceanic, earlier this month, and in a recent interview with CNN, he discussed the plans for his upcoming voyage to the bottom of the seabed.
"There have been about 400 people who have been into space but pretty well nobody has been down and explored the big trenches in the oceans," said the founder of the Virgin business empire.
"I am planning to go down in the Puerto Rican trench. It goes down further than Everest is high...about 28,000 feet."
The airplane-shaped Virgin Oceanic sub is built from carbon fiber and titanium, with a bubble-like quartz viewing dome made to withstand over 6 million kilograms of pressure.
According to Virgin Oceanic, the "flying" sub has overcome two big obstacles facing deep-sea explorers: extreme cold and pressures of over 1,000 atmospheres (about the same as 8,000 elephants standing on a Mini Cooper).
I am sure there will be a few flutters in the stomach.
--Richard Branson, billionaire entrepreneur
Picking up where Steve Fossett -- Branson's close friend and fellow adventurer who perished in a flying accident in 2007 -- left off, the sub's sophisticated design will allow it to travel to depths of 36,000 feet -- about double that of previous advanced subs, according to Branson.
"We hope we built it right," he said. "The Americans, Germans and the Chinese have tried before but they have never been able to get below 18,000 feet -- so it's been quite a technological feat."
However, the British entrepreneur is all too aware of potential perils. According to him, two things could go wrong.
"One, obviously, is the catastrophic failure of the sub," he admitted. "Hopefully we'll hear pinging sounds as the carbon fiber starts to break and at that stage you just don't go any further."
The other possibility, Branson warned, is that of getting caught up in fishing nets at the bottom and not being able to resurface.
However, the 60-year-old father of two remains philosophical: "There are risks involved in trying to push the boundaries forward. There were risks involved when man first went into space and we will do everything we can to avoid any catastrophic problems."
Although the sub is expected to smash up to 30 diving records, Branson insists that the exploration is about much more than sheer adventure.
"There's thousands of species that man doesn't know exists and we are going to come up with some extraordinary photographs of the most extraordinary creatures that mankind has never seen," he said.
Indeed, the mission behind the Virgin Oceanic expedition includes a brief to "assist science in understanding our eco-system and raise awareness of the challenges facing our oceans."
Unlike his suborbital-space-flight company, Virgin Galactic, the new expedition is not accepting paying passengers. Rather, it will comprise only five deep-sea dives, each one carrying just one person, to the deepest points in each of the five oceans.
So, is Branson nervous to be one of the solo voyagers? "I am sure there will be a few flutters in the stomach as one goes down -- it's going to take about three hours to reach the bottom of the sea," he said.
But he's no stranger to danger. Having launched Virgin Records in the 1970s and amassing a fortune in various holdings, which include an airline and rail group, Branson has used his money to fund such exploits as circumnavigating the globe in a hot air balloon as well as various sailing records.
And what does his wife think about this latest venture?
"She'd much rather I was doing it than my kids," he quipped, adding that as long as he signed a piece of paper leaving her Necker Island -- his private island hideaway in the Caribbean -- "she'd be fine."

BNPT urged to design terrorism prevention programs


The International Crisis Group (ICG) has produced a series of recommendations for the National Anti-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) in facing the shift in violent extremism in Indonesia.
The ICG gave six points of recommendations for the BNPT. The first was to start working immediately on designing prevention programs.
This includes a recommendation to hire a small research team to comb through the trial dossiers of all extremists that have been arrested to date, making a database of mosques, schools and other institutions that have repeatedly hosted lectures, meetings and study groups involving individuals subsequently arrested for terrorism.
“From these, identify five or six communities for pilot prevention projects,” The Brussels-based group said, adding that the result of the research should be shared with large social organizations such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama.
The group also recommended that the BNPT make videos of repentant teenagers who have been arrested for terrorism and who can talk on camera about the shame they have caused their families and where they went wrong. The teenagers are to be interviewed with disguised identities.
“Interviews with family members, also with disguised identities, about problems caused by their children's arrests would also be useful. These videos should be tested on teenage audiences before being screened more widely among the target areas,” the ICG added.

Robot finds sauna-like conditions around damaged reactor


A handout picture taken by Tokyo Electric Power Co on April 17, 2011, shows a Pacbot working inside the third reactor building.

By Matt Smith, CNN
April 19, 2011 -- Updated 1040 GMT (1840 HKT)
Tokyo (CNN) -- A robot probe found sauna-like conditions inside the No. 2 reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant but lower levels of radiation than in other damaged units, the plant's owner reported Tuesday.
Reactor No. 2 is believed to be leaking water, thousands of tons of which are filling the basement of its turbine plant and utility tunnels. A robot inserted into the unit's reactor building Monday found temperatures up to 41 degrees Celsius (106 F) and humidity ranging from 94-99 percent, the Tokyo Electric Power Company reported Tuesday.
Those conditions fogged up the lenses of the probe's cameras, forcing operators to withdraw the device after a few minutes, company officials said. But the radiation levels were low enough that workers might be able to re-enter the building for short periods of time, Tokyo Electric officials said.
The robot clocked a radiation level of 4.1 millisieverts per hour -- less than 10% of the amount found in the No. 1 and No. 3 reactor buildings on Sunday. By comparison, the average resident of an industrialized country receives a dose of about 3 millisieverts per year. A CT scan produces just under 7, and a chest X-ray delivers a one-time dose of about .05 millisieverts.
Inside a 'ghost town'
9 months to shut down Japan's reactors?
Chernobyl survivors speak out
Doses above 100 millisieverts can increase the long-term risk of cancer, while 1,000 millisieverts can produce radiation sickness. Tokyo Electric said 29 workers, including three subcontractors, had received cumulative doses of more than 100 millisieverts to date.
Meanwhile, workers at the plant began pumping the first of the highly radioactive fluid from unit 2's service tunnels into a storage tank for contaminated water Tuesday, said Hidehiko Nishiyama, the chief spokesman for Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
The treatment facility could hold as much as 30,000 tons of water, according to Tokyo Electric. Nishiyama told reporters Tuesday that as much as 70,000 tons of contaminated water may lie in the darkened spaces beneath the turbine plants, where much of the equipment that normally cools the reactors is housed.
"The plan is to install a purification device so that we can purify the water and then free up some space to store the additional contaminated water," he said.
Some of the treated water would be used to cool the reactors, replacing some of the 6-7 cubic meters (1,600-1,800 gallons) of water now being pumped into each reactor every hour. An unknown percentage of that water is being lost to steam or leaks inside the plant, particularly in unit 2.
Engineers began deploying the U.S.-built "Packbots" into the reactors on Sunday in hopes of getting a better view of conditions inside the buildings. High radiation readings have kept workers out for weeks -- and for unit 1, the images produced were the first glimpse inside the facility since March 12.
Cooling systems at Fukushima Daiichi, about 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, were knocked out by the massive tsunami that struck Japan's Pacific coast after a massive earthquake March 11. The disaster triggered the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl as the cores of reactors 1-3 overheated and spewed huge amounts of radioactive contamination across the surrounding area.
The buildings that house reactors 1 and 3 were blown apart by hydrogen explosions in the first days of the crisis. Another hydrogen buildup is believed to have ruptured a water reservoir beneath the No. 2 reactor, and the pools housing spent but still-energetic fuel assemblies are concerns in units 1, 3 and 4.
Tokyo Electric this week laid out a six- to nine-month timetable for winding down the crisis and bringing the reactors to a complete shutdown.
The disaster has led to mandatory evacuations of about 78,000 people living within 20 km (12.5 miles) of the plant and orders to people living another 10 km away to remain sheltered, affecting another 60,000-plus. Several towns both inside and outside that radius were told to prepare to evacuate soon, while others have been directed to stand by for further instructions.

Helicopter crash kills 17 in northeastern India


New Delhi (CNN) -- A helicopter caught fire on touch-down in India's remote northeastern mountainous region Tuesday, killing 17 people, authorities said.
Arunachal Pradesh state's civil aviation commissioner Hage Khoda told CNN that at least six people, including the pilot and the co-pilot, were injured in the crash that happened at around 2 p.m.
The incident happened when the helicopter, belonging to the state-run Pawan Hans company, missed the helipad on landing and caught fire, Khoda explained.
He said an inquiry has been ordered into Tuesday's accident.
Pawan Hans operates daily helicopter flights between Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh and Guwahati in neighboring Assam.

PLN buys power from North Sumatra hydro plant


State electricity utility PT PLN has signed a power purchase agreement with the future Wampu hydro power plant to be built in North Sumatra, which will be operated by PT Wampu Electric Power, jointly owned by Korea Midland Power, Daewoo Engineering and PT Mega Power Mandiri.

PLN spokesperson Bambang Dwiyanto said PLN would buy the power for 7.23 US cents per kilowatt-hour.

“The contract will last for 30 years,” he said in a press statement on Tuesday.

The power plant, which will be located in Karo regency, had a total capacity of 3x15 megawatts, Bambang reported. Construction on the plant would begin this year, with commercial operation to begin in 2014, he added.

The agreement was signed on April 12 by PLN president director Dahlan Iskan and Wampu Electric Power president director Choi Chung Yul.

Tactics, targets change as smaller terror groups emerge: ICG


A report released by the International Crisis Group (ICG) on Tuesday stated that the emergence of small terror groups in the country was accompanied by a change in tactics and targets.
“The preferred method of operation [amaliyah] is no longer the bombing of iconic buildings but secret assassinations [ightiyalat] that are less likely to cause inadvertent Muslim deaths or prompt massive arrests,” the report, which highlighted the shift in violent extremism in Indonesia, said.
The ICG reported that violent extremism in the country was increasingly taking the form of small groups acting independently of large jihadi organizations, but sometimes with their encouragement.
The targets of the small-scale terror groups “are increasingly local,” it says.
“Police are top of the list, partly to avenge the deaths of suspected terrorists in law enforcement operations; the 15 April, 2011, suicide bombing at a police station mosque in Cirebon is the most recent example. Other targets include Muslim officials who are deemed oppressors [thaghut], as well as prominent non-Muslims [kafir],” the ICG said, adding that Christians and members of the Ahmadiyah sect are included in the list of targets.
The group also highlights ideological shifts within the Indonesian jihadi communities, which are divided between those who uphold organized jihad (jihad tanzim) and those who advocate individual jihad (jihad fardiyah).
The ICG says the second group believes that, if jihad is defensive in nature, meaning war becomes an individual obligation for all Muslims, no leader or organization is necessary. Thus, “children can wage war without their parents' permission, wives without their husbands'.”
“Force of circumstance, particularly the weakening of jihadi organizations through effective law enforcement, has propelled more Indonesian jihadis to look favorably on jihad fardiyah – of which the letter bombs that hit Jakarta in early March 2011 may have been one example,” the ICG said.

Fires burn across Texas with no end in sight


Dallas (CNN) -- Sara Rogers-Smith considers herself one of the lucky ones.
She, her husband and two kids were allowed to return to their home Monday and found it in one piece after a wildfire swept the area. Some of their neighbors were not as fortunate.
"We definitely feel lucky," Rogers-Smith said in a telephone interview from her home in southwest Austin. "The wind was blowing in the complete opposite direction of our house."
She said several other homes in her area were damaged and that at least two were burned to their foundations, leaving just metal and ash as reminders of what was.
Dozens of large fires continued to burn out of control Monday in Texas in what officials have described as unprecedented conditions that show no signs of abating soon.
Hundreds of fires threaten Texas
Fires tear across Texas

"We're experiencing conditions never seen in Texas before," said Marq Webb, a spokesman with the Texas Forest Service. "Yesterday, we had 1,400 people and that number will go up today," he said in a telephone interview Monday from the service's incident command center in Merkel just west of Abilene.
In all, the Forest Service has been asked to help battle fires covering some 700,000 acres, said Webb.
Thirty-one fires were being fought in East Texas; another 11 fires in West Texas, officials said.
"We've had 19 consecutive days of just super-dry weather, relative humidities in the single digits," said Forest Service spokeswoman C.J. Norvell in Midland. "What we're seeing right now is winds that are typical of spring, but everything else is typical of late summer -- no rain, vegetation that's just super dry. When you combine those two, it really has not boded well."
The Wildcat Fire just north of San Angelo has led to the evacuation of hundreds of people from their homes, Norvell said. The same fire threatens three small communities just north of San Angelo -- Robert Lee, Bronte and Tennyson, she said.
A predicted change in wind direction from south to southwest could worsen the prognosis, she said. "This little change is going to test some infrastructure and fire lines that we've set up," she said.
The fires have a variety of causes -- some of them acts of nature, such as lightning strikes -- but most of them acts of man, said Webb. Those include anything from fence welding to debris burning, despite the fact that burn bans are in effect for 195 of the state's 254 counties, he said.
Texas authorities have made an arrest in connection with one of hundreds of blazes scorching the state in what a Forest Service official called the "perfect storm for wildfires."
A man was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment, which is a felony under Texas law, Austin Fire Department Battalion Chief Palmer Buck said early Monday. The man, whom authorities did not immediately identify, was being held under a $50,000 bond.
According to Buck, the man started a campfire at a homeless camp in a remote area, which got out of control and prompted evacuations. The fire burned about 60 acres.
"We're experiencing conditions we've never seen in Texas before," he said. "We have a huge area of Texas with abundant fuels and they are tinder dry -- and I'm talking about probably half of the state."
Monday's forecast was worse than Sunday's, "and tomorrow's supposed to be worse than today," he said. Though temperatures are expected to dip Wednesday, they were predicted to ramp back up on Thursday and Friday.
Such weather has taxed the resources available to fight the fires. "We're stretched pretty thin right now," Webb said.
Conditions this spring are the driest they've been in Texas since 1917, said a Texas Forest Service spokeswoman.
Authorities have responded to 7,807 fires across more than 1.5 million acres since this year's wildfire season began, Gov. Rick Perry wrote over the weekend in a letter to President Barack Obama. Perry requested that the federal government declare Texas a disaster area. Fires have affected all but two of the state's 254 counties.
Perry noted that one firefighter has died and 18 others have been injured, while 244 homes have been destroyed and another 8,514 threatened residences "saved."
CNN affiliate WFAA in Dallas-Fort Worth reported Bill Morris was one of the many Texans forced from his home by the fires. He spoke to the station as he was putting photographs and his wife's jewelry in the car, preparing to leave -- again.
"I've spent the night in a hotel three different times. And then I'm told I can come back, and come back just to get evacuated the next day," he said.
In the Possum Kingdom complex west of Fort Worth, approximately 90 head of cattle were killed by the fire, said Webb.
In southwest Austin, 10 homes suffered major damage and six suffered minor damage in a 100-acre area, said Matt Curtis, a spokesman for Mayor Lee Leffingwell. Curtis said Monday morning that the fire was contained, though firefighters were expected to spend the day looking for potential flareups and hot spots.
"Luckily, this fire happened in a somewhat unpopulated part of that neighborhood," he said. The multi-jurisdictional effort included the Austin Police Department, the Austin-Travis County Fire Department, the Austin-Travis County EMS, the Travis County Sheriff's Department and the Texas Forest Service.
"The mayor, who has lived in Austin all 72 of his years, described this as the largest fire he had ever seen in Austin and largest multi-jurisdictional effort," said Curtis.